ChezON with Claudia Robles Angel

In November Claudia Robles Angel will be a guest at our workshop talk series ChezON with a lecture titled “The body as an audio-visual instrument: from biofeedback to emotional AI”.

WED November 15
7 PM
At the office of ON Cologne in the Alte Feuerwache Cologne.

In her interactive performances and installations, Claudia Robles Angel uses the human body as an »audiovisual instrument« that triggers sonic and visual elements based on the measurement of biomedical signals. To do this, she works with biofeedback and affective computing methods, exploring the physiological parameters of the human body through emerging technologies.

Physiological activities directly linked to the nervous system are thus measured and sent to the computer, where special algorithms process these data. In this way, these usually invisible and inaudible internal fluctuations in the human body can be projected into an immersive environment: a space where internal and subtle human manifestations emerge in audiovisual form.

In her new work »EIN-FÜHLUNG« Claudia Robles-Angel explores the idea of empathic machines, asking the question: can a computer respond empathically to the user?

Claudia Robles Angel is a composer, sound and media artist. She lives and works in Cologne. Her œuvre and research deal with various aspects of visual art as well as sound art. The spectrum includes acousmatic and audiovisual compositions as well as interactive performances and installations that interact with biomedical signals and AI.

She has been a guest artist at several prominent institutions, e.g., Institute for Music and Acoustics ZKM Karlsruhe (DE), ICST- Institute for Computer Music and Sound Technologies ZHdK Zurich (CH), Künstlerhaus Schöppingen (DE) and CMMAS Mexican Center for the Music and the Soundarts (MX). For her installation REFLEXION she received an honorable mention at the Giga-Herzt-Preis 2022 for electronic music and sound art by ZKM Karlsruhe. She has shown her work at ZKM Karlsruhe, SIGGRAPH in Yokohama, the Venice Biennale, and the International Symposium on Electronic Art ISEA in Istanbul, among others.

In our workshop talk series we open the doors of our office for work in progress insights, small talks or musical experiments. Every month we invite an artist to give us an insight into his or her work. ON Cologne provides drinks and a cozy atmosphere!

Would you also like to present your work at ChezON? Contact us via email at