ChezON – Hye Young Sin

Portrait photo of Gye Young Sin
Photo: Hye Young Sin

We are very pleased to welcome Hye Young Sin as the first artist in our artist talk series ChezON! Hye Young Sin was born in Seoul, South Korea, and lives and works in Cologne. In compositions, installations, performances and sculptures, she explores entanglements of sound, movement, form and material. Her works often emerge from daily observations and hands-on experiments in which she moves between the visual and the aural with an exploratory eye. In doing so, her installations are often reminiscent of miniatures of factories, cities, or ant hills in their busyness.
Her current practice focuses on the notion of growth and how it is used to instrumentalize vegetal beings. ⁠

Hye majored in Consumer Science at Seoul National University with a joint major in Information and Culture Technology in South Korea. Then she finished her diploma at Kunsthochschule für Medien in Cologne. Her works have been presented actively in the context of exhibitions and media/sound art festivals, including next generation 8.0 at ZKM in Karlsruhe, Sound/Image 19 in London, INSONORA in Madrid, and 21st Seoul International ALT Cinema & Media Festival in Seoul.⁠

WED November 2
7 p.m.

ChezON at the office of ON Cologne
Alte Feuerwache Köln (Branddirektion), 1st floor