A Sleep Concert is a rather special experience indeed: the audience is lying down and spending the entire night at the concert venue. Inspired by the musician and psychologist Robert Rich, the intention is to reach the state of Hypnagogia. This is the transition between wakefulness and sleep, during which the brain is highly receptive towards artistic experience. Consciousness and subconiscousness hang in the balance, Sensory input is blended with dreamlike imagery, nonlinear thoughts and sometimes even hallucinations. It can allow deep insights as well as the expansion of awareness and consciousness.
Through suitable music that is slow, often relaxing but at times challenging, the listener is gently guided in and out of sleep, thus reaching Hypnagogia repeatedly like a diver floating near the surface of a deep and calm lake. You will not necessarily have the best or deepest sleep of your life at a sleep concert, but certainly you will experience a night to remember.
Köln, St. Gertrud 23.04.2022
22:00 – ca. 08:00
LINE-UP Roberto Beseler Maxwell // Jordan White // Heinrich Lenz // SONO-Kollektiv
A few organizational notes:
→ Please bring your own mattress, sleeping bag and blanket.
→ To avoid disturbance, entry will be closed at 23:00 so please be on time.
→ The Sleep Concert is not a party. Of course complete silence is neither necessary nor desired, but be mindful of the people around you and try not to disturb their experience.
As we need to make sure everyone will have a space for their mattress, tickets are limited. To assure entry, get your ticket now as there may not be anymore space at the door.