»Project Funding«
Mon, 04.09.2023, 4–5.30 p.m. in German spoken language.
In the application process, a financing plan is, in a way, the feasibility study of the project description. The workshop provides a basic knowledge of how to prepare a financing plan and shows how it can reflect the essence of your application. How do you envision your project in practice? Is the project realistic or not? What is the relationship between artistic expenses and overhead and what does »Eigenanteil« mean?
In order for the grant money to be used in full after approval, the grant projects must be handled correctly in terms of content and finances. The basis for this is the »Kostenfinanzierungsplan«, whose function changes slightly with the grant being approved. In the second part, the workshop teaches how to correctly retrieve and correctly account for grant funds and how to properly document and prepare proofs of use.
The correct communication with the funding agencies will also be discussed, as this is often the best protection against reclaims and unnecessary work steps.
The online workshop aims to impart basic knowledge and works with input units, group discussions, small group tasks and collegial exchange.
Daniel Mennicken & Wiebke Spieker (Cologne)
We ask for binding registrations via e-mail. The workshops are free of charge.
Unfortunately, the online workshop is not accessible at all levels. We will make every effort to accommodate different needs and adapt the workshop if you provide us with appropriate information in the registration.
The digital workshops are aimed at artists from the independent contemporary music scene in Cologne and Berlin.
About ONpaper
digital workshop series by inm berlin / field notes and ON Cologne
In this year’s online workshop series ONpaper, which we are again organizing together with the initiative neue musik / field notes experts will teach basic skills for working in the independent scene.
Under the heading »Project Funding« we will get you ready for grant applications in autumn with introductions to the funding landscapes of Berlin and Cologne, application writing, or accounting.
In a second block of workshops, topics such as time management, ensemble management, as well as insights into the music business, will direct our attention to the world around the music stands. Even if terms such as »business« and »time management« can seem daunting at first, the modules will be designed to be vivd and interactive so that both experienced musicians and newcomers can feel at ease.
The workshops are aimed at artists from the independent contemporary music scene in Cologne and Berlin and are free of charge. We ask for binding registrations.
Please feel free to contact us with your ideas or suggestions at marketing@inm-berlin.de or info@on-cologne.de.
The inm – initiative neue musik berlin e.V. is supported by the Senate Department for Culture and Europe, the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the program Strengthening Innovation Potential in Culture (INP).
ON – Neue Musik Köln e.V. is supported by the Cultural Office of the City of Cologne and the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia.