Social media work is more important than ever for the independent scene. Unfortunately, however, its potential is often not yet ideally utilized by its actors. The workshop with Fillipp Vingerhoets will give a short overview of the basics and available tools, present concrete possibilities of analysis and evaluation, show the benefits of different social networks with regard to artists of the independent scene of experimental and contemporary music and support the participants in developing strong narratives within the structures of these networks.
→ Basics & Tools
→ Development of narratives
→ Evaluation
Following the workshop, participants* can take advantage of a free (personal) consultation session based on their current social media work, either developing existing profiles or even creating new ones together with the speaker.
Fillipp Vingerhoets
Fillipp Vingerhoets is the founder of the label bohemian drips and booker at Berlin’s cultural roof garden Klunkerkranich. Since 2021, he has been in charge of the social media channels of inm Berlin / field notes and is responsible for content management. On a freelance basis, Vingerhoets supports several festivals and musicians with their social media profile.
Wed, 6 July 2022, 4–6 pm in German
We ask for binding registrations via this link.
The digital workshops are aimed at artists from the independent contemporary music scene in Cologne and Berlin and are free of charge.
About ONpaper
In this year’s online workshop series Onpaper, which we are again organizing together with the initiative neue musik / field notes experts will teach basic skills for working in the independent scene.
Under the heading »Application Fitness« we will get you ready for project funding in the spring. In addition to classic workshops with introductions to the funding landscapes of Berlin and Cologne, to writing applications, or to accounting, this year we are also building on new formats and offering Meet the Jury, regular funding regulars’ tables, or sessions on writing applications together.
Although the independent scene defines itself in part precisely by breaking away from hierarchical ways of working that widely encourage the abuse of power and racism, it is not exempt from structural exclusion either. On the contrary, it lacks diverse perspectives and non-normative bodies, attitudes, narratives, and aesthetics. With workshops on anti-racism and diversity development, we would like to accompany the scene in this process of opening up, sensitize it to blind spots, and facilitate access to the scene for marginalized people with empowerment offers.
A third module on press and public relations, audience development, and profile building and management will provide concrete assistance in the development and implementation of projects.
Unfortunately, the online workshop is not accessible at all levels. We will make every effort to accommodate different needs and adapt the workshop if you provide us with appropriate information in the registration.
The workshop series will be continued after the summer break. We will announce the program in the course of the next months. Please feel free to contact us with your ideas or suggestions at or
The inm – initiative neue musik berlin e.V. is supported by the Senate Department for Culture and Europe, the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the program Strengthening Innovation Potential in Culture (INP).
ON – Neue Musik Köln is supported by the Cultural Office of the City of Cologne and the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia.