This is my archive

ONpaper: Introducing GVL

You are a musician and your recordings are played on the radio? Do you market your productions yourself with your own label or are you a pure label owner? Read More

postponed! ONpaper: Introducing KSK

Social insurance for artists - so that freelancers can work freely! Social security for self-employed artists and publicists. The aim is to make the legal material of the Artists' Social Insurance Act (KSVG), which is quite unknown or seemingly unclear to many, better known and understandable. Read More

ONpaper: Introducing GEMA

In our ONpaper, Benjamin Lambert presents the to-do's for a successful exploitation of live music in public spaces as an organiser. In addition to an overview of the entire process from event to payment to members, there will be insights into software development and setlist creation. Case studies of the end-to-end process will provide space for your questions – and help for a smooth music registration! Read More

NOIES 04/23 | July & August

The NOIES for July and August is out! This time you can expect these contents: A music tip from piano maker Johannes JeeA visit… Read More